It is the month of St. Patrick’s Day and although legends abound, we do believe that Patrick himself was pretty lucky. It is said that he survived being kidnapped by pirates and walked over 200 miles to get back to his home. It is also said that he ran all snakes out of Ireland (but snakes do not appear to have been indigenous there anyway!) Whatever you believe about St. Patrick, he was definitely a Christian and a saint and the St. Patrick’s Day holiday is a fun reason to celebrate his life.
Even if you have a four leafed clover, you should not depend on luck to protect your pet! Applebrook has safe and effective ways to bend Murphy’s law to your will. Here are some of the things that we can do to make your pet “lucky”:
- Physical Examinations
Whether your pet is sick or healthy, he needs a veterinarian to examine him/her to see the things that you might overlook or not realize are significant. Let one of our skilled vets examine your pet. We check eyes, ears, teeth, heart/lungs, lymph nodes, skin and everything in between and then we tell you what you can do to keep your pet happy and healthy.
- Vaccines
The vaccines that we use are as pure as we can find. They do not contain adjuvants or additives and we think that they are the safest vaccines that you can find. That is why we choose them. We don’t want to leave our patients’ safety to chance.
- Parasite Prevention
We carry products that you can trust to be safe and effective. Just be sure that you never miss doses! We can prevent heartworm disease, intestinal parasites and external parasites, like fleas and ticks. Don’t roll the dice on your pets’ health and comfort.
- Dental care
We know that more than 80% of pets over the age of 3 years have some form of dental disease. Mouth pain is excruciating and we want our patients happy and comfortable. We can look and give you suggestions and a treatment plan to address anything we see. Don’t let your pets suffer in silence.
- Proper Nutrition
Ask our vets about your pet’s weight and diet. There are a whole host of diseases that can be avoided with appropriate diet, weight control and exercise. We don’t work for pet food companies and we have YOUR pet’s health at heart.
It might be March and we might be wearing green and looking for 4 leaf clover, but a healthy pet is more than just luck! The team at Applebrook can help your pets find the pot of golden health at the end of the rainbow! Call now for $20 New Client Check Up!